Friday, January 12, 2007

Paula Abdul is My Hero

I've been too busy working to post, so here's a lazy one for you. You can expect less and less blog effort from me as April 15th draws nearer...

Idol is one of my favorite shows, and one of the few that a reality tv junkie like myself can actually mention and not feel like a moron. However, the fact that Paula Abdul rakes in millions is one of those things that bugs the living crap out of me. What, exactly, qualifies her to judge the talent of others? Please don't answer "she was a singer". Let's leave those painful memories of trying to learn the moves in the Straight Up video in the past (and don't try to act like you all didn't do it as well). So that narrows Paula's attributes down to the following: being engaged to Emilio Estevez, having bulimia, and being a Laker Girl. Adding insult to injury is this interview, in which it's painfully obvious she is either completely wasted or in the midst of a stroke. I'll let you be the judge.


Anonymous said...

In the words of DR. DRE "Drunk as hell but no thrownin' up!" What the hell was Paula thining???

Anonymous said...

LOL- Ohhh Paula! Yeah a little drink here and there. I wonder what Rush Limbaugh said about this- maybe that she was faking Parkinson's?