Monday, October 30, 2006

My Son, Future P.I.M.P.

So yesterday, at our second Halloween/Birthday party for the weekend, Clint wanted to go play outside. I let him out, and the birthday girl, a seemingly innocent four year old, followed him out there a few minutes later. I’m watching them through the sliding glass door (it was frickin’ cold yesterday!) and I see Clint waving his finger and yelling at the little girl. I’m about to go out there and tell him to stop yelling at her when the little girl unzips her dragon costume (revealing that she has no shirt on underneath), flashes him, and rezips the costume. Then the two run off and play together happily…

Reaction of the little dragon girl’s mother – oh my god, my daughter is a hooch!
Reaction of Tony – Yeah! That’s my boy!


Anonymous said...

HAHAHA! That a boy Taveus! Sista I must say I check this everyday just to make myself laugh! Thanks for not letting me down. BTW- Adam HPD (that's how I saved him in my phone) called twice yesterday :) He is supposed to call tonight to make plans for either tomorrow or Wed.
Sista ND-Maneater

steph! said...

you should have saved him as "funeralboy 1"...

email me with details when you can. i'm still recovering from halloween...