Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Have A Great Day Today

Seriously. If you're reading this, make today great. Why not? What's option B? You live in the greatest country where you decide how you want to live your life. You have your health. You have spouses/boyfriends or children, or family, or friends (or possibly all of the above) that love you for who you are. You are truly blessed, it's just that sometimes (and we all do it) you forget. So seriously, have a great day today. Take time, or do something for yourself, or one of your loved ones, or even a complete stranger. One way or another, just have at least one moment of pure, unrestrained joy today. A moment when you just say to yourself "hey, life is good. I'm going to remember this moment - how I feel, where I am, what I'm doing for a long time".

I mean it. Stop reading this. I'm not going to be sarcastic on this one. Just enjoy the day.

Why don't you believe me. Fine...shizzle my nizzle. Happy - I did something non-serious. Now get out there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Have a great day!