Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Dinner with Ladies

Sounds harmless, doesn’t it? What if I tell you that it was written in Tony’s handwriting on our calendar? What if I tell you that “ladies” is actually code for “harem”? Yes, my dearest and most darling husband went to dinner with twelve women. One man, twelve women. He might as well have written “Dinner with my bitches” on the calendar. This was a holiday dinner for the night staff at the ER. You’d think they could find one more man to attend, even a gay male nurse would have added an ounce or two of additional testosterone, but no, it was Tony and the Hooches. As you can probably tell, I was a bit jealous when I discovered the male/female ratio at this dinner. My father tried to comfort me with words of wisdom. “Twelve women!” he says, “That’s every man’s nightmare. Now if it was two women…”


Anonymous said...

I think as long as none of them were wearing mud flaps, you're safe . . .

Anonymous said...

LOL! I second the mud flaps comment and would like to add..."don't hate the playa, hate the game"! You can't be upset with him...not his fault that he works with a ton of women!
PS For your sake I hope none of those nurses know about this blog page cause you weren't exactly "nice" with your word choice!

Anonymous said...

At least she didn't refer to them as the "stockyard"

steph! said...

There is no mercy with any of you, is there? Good thing I like myself so damn much...