Friday, October 05, 2007

Why I really should stick to the drive thru

On Fridays Thing 2 doesn't have school so we get to hang out together. In the bank today a woman in line behind me says "oh - he's so cute! How old is he?" So I answer, and then she starts talking to him. Finally she stops, but tells me "Oh, what a sweetie!". My son immediately comes back over to me and says in the loudest voice possible "Mom! I want to smell your butt!" I then spend the next 60 seconds trying to explain to him that butt smelling is inappropriate while he tries to (yes, you guessed it) get to my rear end for a sniff. Now never before has he tried to do this to me (and hopefully he never will again). But as I look over at the lady who was just talking to him I can just see her thinking "Hmmm...Perhaps he's not so cute after all..."

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